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Vulgar Victorian vocabulary Cads on castors: cyclists Popsy wopsy: a doll-like, attractive girl Definitions a a person who hates tradesmen’s circulars b to charge too highly for an article c sharks d a huge nose e a day visitor to the seaside who brings his own provisions f a debtor g a teetotaller h a stipendiary magistrate of a savage nature i to drink to the extent of reddening the nose j the appearance of recent drunkenness k despair, even to suicide l to deceive by feigning poverty m to make a mess of things n a pump o punishment p the adroit confession of a minor offence to intensify the denial of a major offence q the ability to be present invisibly r a boy’s shirt through a too- open trousers-seat s showing signs of madness t to spoil business or impede applause u a person with a wooden leg v tea and coffee w drunk x a button gone astray from its buttonhole, in the region of the abdomen Mourning coach horse: a tall, solemn woman, dressed in black and many inky feathers Babel The Language Magazine | May 2017 39