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Language games Lonely Logo Letters Tristan Miller, Technische Universität Darmstadt. In typography, a ‘font’ is a set of letterforms that share common design features. Many fonts are designed or selected to evoke a certain ‘mood’ or ‘personality’. For example, the clear, bold strokes of slab serif fonts seize the reader’s attention, making them popular in posters and newspaper mastheads, while the crisp, unornamented style of didone typefaces exudes calmness and elegance. Some fonts even become inextricably associated with a particular product or company from years of use in advertising. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, David Crystal refers to this phenomenon as ‘graphemic symbolism’. That is, while the individual letters of a particular language’s writing system have no intrinsic meaning, the way they are presented typographically may be subject to some degree of semantic or psychological interpretation. The distinctively styled letters in the grid below have all been extracted from the current and former logos of the Internet’s most popular websites. Can you identify the website for each letter? Babel The Language Magazine | February 2018 ions Solut e 51 g on pa 35